Egyéb infó
10 ml természetes gyömbérolaj nyirokcsomó terápia öregedésgátló növényi esszenciális olaj, amely elősegíti az anyagcserét a teljes testre karcsúsító masszázsolajok
10ML Natural Ginger Oil Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Anti Aging Plant Essential Oil Promote Metabolism Full Body Slim Massage Oils
Belly Drainage Ginger Oil:Apply and massage to promote fat burning, help slimming and sculpting, shaping the perfect curve. Help promote metabolism, accelerate fat burning, and shape a beautiful body curve
Quality Material:Made of a Ginger extract & Jojoba oil, the Belly Drainage Ginger Oil can relieve stress, improve complexion, care for skin
Lymphatic Drainage:Ginger massage oil is an excellent pure natural treatment for blood circulation, ginger essential oil is a great natural solution for lymphatic drainage, edema, spider veins and varicose veins. deep relaxation, reduce fatigue and relieve stress
How To Use:Apply the product on the belly button and allow it to be absorbed to achieve a slimming effect. You can put it in a humidifier or water for body massage. You can put a few drops on the skin for massage
massager Oil X 1
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